Monday, July 03, 2006

IBM Hyderabad

1)Tellme About yourself?

A) Worked as a Websphere administrator. Was responsible for deploying, configuring,

tuning, clustering, and troubleshooting WebSphere related issues.
2)Configuration of WebServer with AppServer?

A) This configuration available in httpd.conf file of a web server, in this file we will configure virtual hosts and domains etc .
3) Role of Plugin-Cfg.xml?
A) When ever request comes to Webserver it identifies the app. server configuration in this configuration file.

4) Tell me about RemoteConfiguration?
5) How do you deploy an application in AdminConsole?
6) How do you deploy an EAR file in admin console?
7) What is meant by default bindings?

A) It will bind the resources to connect….at time of startup
8)What are precompiled jsps?
9) Are you comfortable with MQ?

A) I have a little bit knowledge.
10)Tell me about MQConfiguration with WAS?

A) We will configure from console, resources -> JMS -> Queues-> integrating with MQ.
11) Tell me the command to find RAM size in AIX/Unix?
A) prtconf only for AIX

12)Command to find diskfree space?

A) Df –k or m
13) how do you provide Custom security?

A) Developer will give the authorization from an application(may be uid/pwd from Oracle DB)
14)Suppose if u enable customsecurity after opening the admin console in the rightside suppose if you got only 2 options instead of 3 then what to do?

A) question not clear
15)How much you are comfortable with scripting(JACL/JYTHON)?

A) I have little bit knowledge.

Set $

puts "About to dump threads for this jvm..."

$AdminControl invoke $jvm dumpThreads

puts "... done"


Invoke the generateHeapDump operation on a JVM MBean, for example,

Finding JVM objectName:

set objectName [$AdminControl queryNames


Invoking the generateHeapDump operation on JVM MBean:

$AdminControl invoke $objectName generateHeapDump

Ex: wsadmin -f a b c content:

import sys

first = sys.argv[0]

second = sys.argv[1]

third = sys.argv[2]

arglen = len(sys.argv)

16)In Jython script how to invoke a variable which was defined in another jython script?

Using MBeans

Calling scripts using another script

Use the execfile command to call a Jython script from another Jython script. For example:

Create a script called that contains the following:


print printName('Cathy', 'Smith')

Create a script called that contains the following:

def printName(first, last):

name = first + ' ' + last

return name

Then pass the following path as a script argument:

wsadmin -lang jython -f 'c:/temp/script/'