Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Barclays Interview

1. What is session affinity?

A) Is nothing but a persistence.

Most servers use the term “Session Affinity” to indicate that with in a cluster of servers, requests from the same client always get routed back to same server. This eliminates the need to replicate session data like HTTP session or Stateful session Beans.

2. JVM which has been clustered, the server is in production?

A) 1. Memory to memory replication 2. Database persistence

Heartbeat mechanism work in a cluster, member of the cluster identifies that the other server is not responding it checks 3 times for every 60 seconds, if not responded then it takes the configuration using memory replication process then completes request.
3. What is fix pack?

A) Patches to fix a particular issue for a particular in environment only not other.
4. What is patch?

A) It is like independent to every body, bug fix of WAS. WAS
5. What is migration? How can you migrate from one version to another version?
A) discussed

5. How can you disable the security without admin console?

A) we can disable in Security.xml, but we can’t enable.
6. Complete configureation steps for SSL?

A) We have to install ibm http server, by using ikeyman tool we can create and use SSL certificates.
7. How to configure session management?

A) we can configure though console, either in application/deployment descriptor.
8. How can you provide security authentication for web server?

A) eTrust SiteMinder tool
9. How to know webserver version?

A) we can find in Logfile.
10. How to identify old and new context roots?

A) in Httpd.conf file we can see commented(old) and uncommented(new) data.
11. Difference between v5 & v6.


1. Multiple Profile creations with a single installation (All profiles share same WebSphere binaries)

2. Introduction of Service Integration Bus (SIB) for messaging

3. Has default JMS providers

4. Supports mixed version nodes in a v6 ND Cell

5. Has some extra add-ons in the Admin console navigation tree

6. JACL has been deprecated in 6.1

12. What is the difference between WAS and WL?


1. In weblogic u cant do clustering accros the domain,but in Websphere u can.

2. In weblogic all the configurations are stored in a single file called Config.xml ,but in Websphere its stored in a directory structure called CELL

3. In weblogic u can start the managed server without a Adminserver(using MSI-config.xml),in websphere u can not start a node with out Dmgr.

4. In websphere u can add webserver as a unmanaged node where as u cannnt do that in weblogic.
13. How many types of installation are there?

A) GUI, using Response file (silent mode), command line .
14. JACL scripting? Alredy discussed
15. If the performance, of the appliacation goes down? what will u do?

A) Performance Information should collect from monitoring tool
16. what is the difference between L1, L2, L3?


l1- is basic level (monitoring, basic configuration)

l2 -back up who are senior staff (trouble shooting)

l3 –architechts (designing / architect/ requirement(ram/box))

17. the uesr submitted the request, when that request is on processing in the middle the server crashes then what happens?

It will lost.

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